What’s an Itinerary, Anyway
For reasons I don’t care to relive by typing, we left Florida a day & 5 hours behind schedule.
(Southwest Florida to be more specific; Sarasota was our sans-Champagne embarkation point).
We managed to dodge the worst of I-75 & I-4 traffic by the skin of our tires. Well on our way to escape Florida by nightfall.
And glad would be understating the feeling of exiting Florida. Next to the seemingly unending stretch of I-70 spanning Kansas & Colorado, Florida’s traversal is the worst strip of tarmac I will encounter over the next 10 days, all travel-related factors considered.
And on the other side of love.
Motorcycles are certainly engaging. Not too many things demand absolute attention & focus with greater consequences in the event of a lack of.
It’s been about 15 years now I have ridden a motorcycle, from roads to race circuits, with some of the most talented riders in the state to boot.
On another timeline I could’ve ended up a roadracer; not much beats the thrill of pushing the limits of physics lap after lap.
Atlanta’s metropolis unfolded before us like a handful of spilled ribbon spools, made of asphalt.
Almost there, less than an hour to go.