1 Part Travel, 1 Part Contemplation
Ever wonder how much of You is really, You? If not, maybe just stop reading any further because it is only going to get stranger from the 2nd paragraph on..
I once watched VHS footage of myself as a very young child (technically it was a digital copy/recording) and came away with a simple yet impactful insight. One I have held since.
I have always, since the very beginning of being “Me,” been on the move.
At what seemed to be 3 years of age I had already developed an insatiable curiosity & desire to explore, to go, to see what I had just seen a minute ago, maybe in a new way or just maybe again because I forgot what it felt like. Nevertheless, sitting still was not an option. And in many ways, is still not an option.
ADD? ADHD? Maybe; do I have deep concerns about which combination of letters could describe my tendencies or behaviors? No, not really.
Over the years however I have developed methods and practices to keep me moving in some sort of direction.. Physically and mentally and otherwise.
Chief among them, the Motorcycle. Often taking a different shape, color, make or model, but always a two-wheeled, faster than necessary mode of transportation. I love them, most of them. (will get back to that later).
How many miles are enough, how many unseen vistas, unfelt winds of the prairie bouncing your helmet covered head to-and-fro, how many times in the elements will satisfy my curiosity?
Traveling on a motorcycle is a different experience from traveling within a “cage” as some bikers call them, you are victim to the elements, whether temperature and humidity or worse yet. A part of the environment you are, and weather it you must.
Something keeps me going, unceasingly pursuing roads and places. The Motorcycle just makes my journeys all that much more engaging, dynamic, and yes challenging.
I can only hope for this unending desire to see, again and again, until I draw my last breath.
Until my body cannot weather any more such thing. I will ride between two wheels until I no longer can.
Mission #1: Escape Florida